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New Card Reveals from the Heat Wave Arena Set
Heat Wave Arena reveals Cynthia's Garchomp ex Special Illustration Rare, introduces Hydrapple, and new Ponyta and Rapidash cards, releasing 14th...
Mega Evolutions Return to Pokémon TCG with New Mechanics
Mega Evolutions return to Pokémon TCG with new mechanics: evolving from traditional lines and yielding three Prize cards upon Knock...
New Korean Umbreon and Espeon Promos, coming to English soon?
New Umbreon ex and Espeon ex promos debut in Korea; anticipated English release in September's Prismatic Evolutions Premium Figure Collection.
Cynthia and Ethan's New Reveals from Heat Wave Arena!
New Heat Wave Arena cards feature Cynthia's Garchomp ex and Ethan's Ho-Oh ex, introducing dynamic strategies for Pokémon TCG players.
New Pokémon TCG Starter Sets Featuring Marnie and Steven Launching Soon!
New Pokémon TCG starter sets featuring Marnie's Grimmsnarl ex and Steven's Metagross ex release on 21st February 2025, introducing unique...
Brand new Pokemon TCG set coming in 2025- Heat Wave Arena!
Heat Wave Arena set releases 14th March 2025, featuring Trainer's Pokémon like Misty's Gyarados and Cynthia's Garchomp ex.
Dragapult ex League Battle Deck – Dominate the Pokémon TCG Meta!
The Dragapult ex League Battle Deck is built for competitive play! Features 4 Dragapult ex, Fezandipiti ex & Unfair Stamp...
Coming in April- “Lillie Premium Tournament Collection”!
The Lillie Premium Tournament Collection launches 25th April 2025, featuring Lillie's Clefairy ex, Lillie's Pearl, and six booster packs.